Indigenous Recruitment

Recruitment & Indigenous Employment 204-822-2647 Email

How you can support

The availability of a skilled labour pool is critical for our organization to maintain existing health services in Southern Health-Santé Sud. Utilizing the newcomer, youth and Indigenous population in our region as a valued “untapped” resource is an opportunity for the region to maintain staffing levels and achieve the long term strategy of creating a workforce that is representative of the population it serves, in addition to creating a work environment that is conducive to diversity.

Invite us to a Career, Job or Health Fair

Please consider inviting us to attend any event where we might promote the spectrum of careers in health care to our Indigenous youth, First Nations communities and Indigenous organizations. If you have an event you would like us to attend, please contact the Manager – Recruitment & Indigenous Employment.

Arrange an Indigenous Health Career Workshop

We also welcome invites to meet with students (Grades 6 -12) to provide them with an introduction to careers in health care and what it takes to become a health care professional. The 90-minute workshop is free of charge, generic for all students and delivered in a classroom setting. We encourage interested schools to please contact the Manager – Recruitment & Indigenous Employment.

Job Shadowing

Volunteer Opportunities


Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.