Awards & National Recognition

2014 – National Gold Award Winner in Health and Education by Public Sector Leadership awards IPAC/Deloitte

Members of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) and Deloitte presented the IPAC/Deloitte Public Sector Leadership Award to the Southern Health-Santé Sud Indigenous Employment Team. The award was for outstanding leadership in public policy and management in three categories: Federal/Provincial/Territorial category, Municipal category and Health & Education category. Winners were selected from a judging panel in each category for demonstrating innovative leadership, strategic thinking, and effective collaboration and partnerships that are critical for the success and advancement of communities across Canada.

2012 – Recognized as a Leading Practice through Accreditation Canada

The Indigenous Health High School Internship Program is created in partnership with our Indigenous communities, education (high schools), families and Southern Health Santé Sud employees. The program uses a holistic approach to encourage Indigenous youth to explore over 20 high-demand career occupations in health care. There are over 90 career occupations in Southern Health-Santé Sud – so much opportunity that very few people know about. Youth build self-confidence and self-esteem, become aware of early career planning at the same time youth will be provided with an opportunity to meet Indigenous health care professionals who will act as role models in helping youth explore careers in health. After completion of the program, youth are encouraged to stay in school, graduate from high school and achieve the post-secondary credentials needed to obtain employment in health care. (Excerpt from Accreditation Canada)

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.