Lately there has been an uptick of sports/hydration drinks being targeted to young people. Social media platforms and YouTube have created a craze causing many kids to seek out and consume these drinks frequently. Popular brands such as Biosteel™ and Prime™ have been marketed as an easy way to get vitamins and electrolytes as well.

What to watch out for

Although these drinks do provide a source of hydration, they may contain high levels of certain vitamins which meet or exceed tolerable upper levels for kids. They also contain artificial sweeteners which can displace nutrient dense foods in the diet for children. Its important to note that Biosteel™ and Prime™ hydration don’t contain enough carbohydrates to be suitable for intense or prolonged exercise.

Final message

Sports/hydration drinks are being heavily marketed to kids but can be harmful to their health. Talk to your kids about social media marketing and stick to tried and true beverages such as water, milk and 100% fruit juice.

Nutrition Services Team 204-856-2055

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