Rural Week: A learning experience for over 30 first year medical students
Southern Health-Santé Sud would like to thank the 11 communities/clinics, gracious hosts, and the first-year medical students who participated in Rural Week May 29 – June 2, 2023. We were thrilled to welcome over 30 students at various locations across our region. Communities, clinics, hospitals, and other health facilities contributed to the success of this initiative. We are very thankful to the communities of Crystal City, Morden, Morris, Niverville, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Portage la Prairie, St. Claude, St. Pierre Jolys, Steinbach, Winkler, and Vita who made this possible. In addition to the U of M students who participated in Rural Week, St. Pierre/Vita also hosted two bilingual students from the University of Ottawa the week of May 23-26, 2023. These two students are originally from Manitoba and are attending medical school at the University of Ottawa.

Rural Week is a one week learning experience for all first-year medical students enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba. Rural Week provides an opportunity for the students to get first-hand experience and exposure to rural and northern medicine and the unique lifestyle these communities offer. It is an opportunity for participating communities to showcase what their communities have to offer and promote the opportunities and benefits of rural and northern medicine.
Students spent the week gaining exposure to the work and lifestyle of a rural physician, and experienced some aspects of rural life. Each students experience has been unique, and would have included opportunities to work with local physicians and other health care professionals. In addition to this, some students may have participated in presenting to a local high school, meeting with different leaders in the community, visiting local farms, and other opportunities to explore some of the local attractions.
We truly appreciate the efforts of the staff, clinics, physician leaders and community members who contributed to the success of this initiative. Recruitment is a group effort and we would like to acknowledge the investment of recruitment and retention efforts by these groups of individuals who work tirelessly in providing a positive experience to these students.