Privacy & Access

Privacy & Access Officer 204-822-2622 Email

On this page
Protecting Your Health Information
Privacy Notice
Your Rights
Requesting Access to Personal Health Information
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

Protecting Your Personal Health Information

At Southern Health-Santé Sud, we recognize that the personal health information of our clients has been entrusted to us and must be protected. We are required to protect the accuracy, integrity, and security of all personal health information and are required to sign a Declaration of Confidentiality. We have developed policies and procedures for the protection of personal health information and provide ongoing training to employees and others associated with Southern Health-Santé Sud.

Privacy Notice

Privacy of your personal and personal health information will be protected within Southern Health-Santé Sud in keeping with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Health Information Act of Manitoba.

When we collect information from you we will:

  • only collect information that we need to provide you with our services
  • ensure the information is accurate
  • keep your information secure and private
  • only use your personal and personal health information for
    • your access to our services
    • evaluation of Southern Health-Santé Sud programs and payments for programs
    • approved research and planning related to Southern Health-Santé Sud programs
    • other uses authorized by law
  • give you access to your own records and, if requested, make copies of them at a reasonable cost
  • only share your information with other health care providers or health care institutions to the extent necessary to provide you with proper health care
  • ask your permission to share your information if required for other purposes unless we are required to provide the information for legal reasons

Your Rights

Under the Personal Health Information Act, you have the right to:

  • access your personal health information with limited exceptions and as soon as reasonably possible, under the circumstances, but not later than:
    • 24 hours after requesting it if you are a patient in a hospital, or
    • 72 hours after requesting it if you are a resident in a personal care home, outpatient or receiving health care in Southern Health-Santé Sud, or
    • 30 days after requesting it if you are not currently receiving care (unless the request is transferred to another trustee).
  • name another person, such as a family member to access your personal health information on your behalf
  • ask us to make corrections to inaccurate or incomplete personal health information
  • privacy and the right to know why your information is being collected and the right to have that information kept confidential and secure

Who else can see my information

Unless you ask us not to, Southern Health-Santé Sud may:

  • share your general health status and location in our facility with your family, friends and others on request
  • share your name and address with charitable fundraising foundations associated with our organization
  • share your personal health information with any health care provider who has, is or will be providing you with health care (members of your health care team are only allowed to access the information they need to give you the care you need)

If you tell us not to share your information with a health care provider, we will not share your information unless permitted or required to do so by law.

Please advise a health care provider if you do not want your information shared with a family member, friend, religious or fundraising organization.

Requesting Access to Your Personal Health Information

If you have been a client of Southern Health-Santé Sud and would like to examine or receive a copy of your health information, please complete the Request to Access Personal Health Information form found on the Your Health Information page or contact the Privacy & Access Officer.

If your request is not related to a hospital visit or encounter, mail or fax your form to the program or service where you received care.

For information related to your visit to the laboratory or radiology department, including Computed Tomography (CT) scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan, contact Privacy and Security at Shared Health or eChart Manitoba.

For more Information

Each Southern Health-Santé Sud site or service has a designated Privacy Officer/Advisor or trained staff who is responsible for dealing with requests from individuals who wish to examine and/or copy their health information. For more information on privacy or access to records contact the Privacy & Access Officer for the region or a Southern Health-Santé Sud Privacy Officer at:

Bethesda Regional Health Centre
204-326-6411 ext 2519

Boundary Trails Health Centre

Portage District General Hospital

If you are not satisfied with how your information has been handled, please contact the Privacy & Access Officer. In addition, you have the right to file a complaint with the Manitoba Ombudsman’s Office by calling 1-800-665-0531 or visiting their website at Manitoba Ombudsman.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

Access Requests

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) sets out the general right of access by any person to records in the custody or under the control of Southern Health-Santé Sud, including a record containing personal information about the applicant (excluding personal health information). Exclusions and exceptions to disclosure may apply, as set out in FIPPA, or other statutes that state they prevail over FIPPA.

Protection of Privacy

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) controls the manner in which Southern Health-Santé Sud collects personal information, and protects individuals against unauthorized use or disclosure of their personal information.

Obtaining Access to Records

Access the Province of Manitoba page on FIPPA for information about how to make a request for access to records held by Southern Health-Santé Sud or contact the Privacy & Access Officer.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.