Children are specifically targeted due to their vulnerability.

Food marketing is everywhere… It’s important as parents to recognize where and how often our children are being exposed to food marketing.

Limiting food marketing exposure can help support children in making balanced food choices as they grow and develop. Less exposure to foods that are high in sodium, sugar and saturated fats can help them foster healthy eating habits for a lifetime.

Limiting exposure starts in the home. TV/ social media influencers and streaming apps are often the biggest source of food marketing for children.

Talk to our children about food marketing and how it targets them on a daily basis. Help them understand how these ads and sponsorships can influence our food choices and how to make informed decisions on what foods to eat and why that’s important for their health.

child looking at unhealthy foods on market shelves

Food marketing examples

  • podcasts and radio
  • billboards
  • tv commercials
  • YouTube
  • social media and influencers
  • coupons/ flyers in the mail
  • video and gaming apps
  • food packaging
  • restaurant signage

Visit the Canada Food Guide to learn more about food marketing and children.

Nutrition Services Team 204-856-2055

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.