Rehabilitation Services

Rehabilitation 204-822-2672 Email

Southern Health-Santé Sud provides a full range of rehabilitation services for you or your loved one. Our goal is to assist you to attain your highest potential level of health and functioning by offering comprehensive services such as:

  • audiology
  • occupational therapy
  • physiotherapy
  • speech language pathology

Rehabilitation services are based out of our three regional health centres (Bethesda Regional Health Centre, Boundary Trails Health Centre and Portage District General Hospital). Clinical services may be provided in various community settings such as: hospitals, personal care homes, school divisions, daycares and home visits as required.

Services are accessed through a referral process.

For further information to access services call:
Bethesda Regional Health Centre

Boundary Trails Health Centre

Portage District General Hospital

For Children & Youth Services call: 1-800-958-3076 or 204-346-9359

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.