Communicable Disease Prevention & Control

Public health nurses work as a team with primary care providers, Public Health Inspectors, Drinking Water Officers, Cadham Provincial Lab and Medical Officers of Health to prevent, respond to and investigate reportable communicable diseases as outlined by the Public Health Act and the Manitoba Health Communicable Disease Protocols. Inspectors also provide health advice and information, such as prevention and intervention strategies, to individuals responsible for or afflicted with an enteric illness.

Washing your hands properly, covering your cough and being immunized are still the best ways to prevent the spread of disease.

It is important that suspected and confirmed communicable diseases be reported to prevent the continued spread of food-borne and water-borne diseases in the community. If you have questions about diseases that are spread person-to-person, through food or water sources, or by exposure to animals or insects, please contact your local Public Health-Healthy Living office or call Health Links-Info Santé.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.