Unified Referral Intake System

Regional Coordinator – URIS 204-346-7031 email

If your child experiences any of the following health conditions that require intervention while attending school and/or child care centre, they are eligible for Unified Referral Intake System (URIS) program. These include:

  • life-threatening allergy
  • asthma
  • seizure disorders
  • diabetes
  • cardiac conditions
  • bleeding disorders
  • steroid dependence
  • gastrostomy care
  • ostomy care
  • clean intermittent catheterization
  • pre-set oxygen
  • suctioning (oral or nasal)

The Unified Referral Intake System (URIS) is a program developed to support children who have designated health care needs when attending a school, licensed child care centre or other community program (e.g. respite).

Through URIS, a registered nurse will work with you, your child, physician, school and/or child care centre to develop individual health care and emergency health care plans as well as to train and monitor staff that care for your child while they attend school and/or child care centre. Care plans are reviewed annually to ensure they are up to date.

To apply, contact your school, child care centre or community program.

For general URIS information, contact 204-856-2043 or visit the website.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.