Healthy Baby

The Healthy Baby program encourages early regular prenatal care and promotes and supports healthy outcomes for moms, babies and families. If you’re pregnant or have a baby under the age of one, you are invited to a Healthy Baby community program where you can:

  • ask questions about your baby’s development
  • learn about nutrition and health for you and your family
  • get parenting tips
  • do activities with you baby
  • meet other new parents
  • receive milk coupons (44 weeks) during pregnancy and until baby is 6 months
  • enjoy healthy food

The Healthy Baby program also offers the Healthy Baby Prenatal Benefit for families with a household income of less than $32 000/year. It is a financial supplement for women in their second and third trimesters intended to improve access to healthy food during pregnancy. Healthy Baby Community Support Programs also help pregnant women and new parents connect with other parents, families and health professionals. For more information on dates, times and locations please contact the Health Baby Coordinator at 204-822-2632 or 204-346-6696.


Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.