Children’s Therapy Initiative

What is the Children’s Therapy Initiative (CTI)?

The Children’s Therapy Initiative makes it easier to get audiology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech-language pathology in Southern Health-Santé Sud.

How does it work?

Trained health professionals work together as a team to provide support for children and youth with identified developmental concerns. To access services, parents, caregivers, doctors and other clinicians can send a referral to CTI. A parent’s legal or guardian consent is required as part of the referral process. CTI then reviews the referral and forwards it appropriately to ensure your child gets the right care by the right health care provider.

Your child’s therapy may be provided in a variety of settings, depending on the needs of your child and your family.

Self-referral to CTI intake:

East of the Red River:
204-326-6411 ext 288

West of the Red River:
1-800-958-3076 or 204-331-8833

Parents can also make a direct referral for audiology by calling 204-326-6411 ext. 2109 or 1-800-742-6509.


Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.