Mobile Withdrawal Management Services

The Mobile Withdrawal Management Service (MWMS) is a voluntary service that supports people wanting to detox from a substance they are using and is provided in the person’s home and/or community. The service is based on the biopsychosocial model, and works from a harm reduction framework. Individuals referred must be eighteen (18) years and older and live in Southern Health-Santé Sud.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Client has no anticipated severe or complicated withdrawal including seizures
  • Client is medically stable and deemed safe to be managed in a community setting
  • Client is psychiatrically stable and deemed safe to be managed in a community setting

Referrals can be made by any physician or nurse practitioner by faxing a referral form to 204-239-0551. If you have any questions about the services, please contact the MWMS program at 204-428-2730.

Information for referred participants

What is MWMS?
MWMS is a mobile withdrawal management and stabilization service that supports people who want to detox from a substance they are using.

How do I get this service?
You can be referred by your doctor or nurse practitioner or attend any Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM) clinic including 159 5th St. SE, Portage la Prairie. If you are having difficulty in locating a doctor or nurse practitioner, please contact your local healthcare clinic or Family Doctor Finder at 1-866-690-8260.

Who is this service for?
Currently this service is for people who are 18 years of age or older and live within the Southern Health-Santé Sud region. This service can be accessed by participants for up to thirty (30) days.

Where is the service?
Services are provided by a mobile team within a participant’s home, community or other safe accommodation. Participants can choose where they want to be seen, including the option of meeting at a central location during the day and returning to their home or safe accommodation at night.

Who is the MWMS Team?
Currently the team is made up of Recovery Health Nurses, Health and Social Services Workers, Peer Support Workers, an Indigenous Community Worker and Addiction Physicians, who collaborate in daily care provision. Participants will have access to after hour supports through the Klinic crisis line, which is available 24/7/365. The MWMS team works closely with the referring physician, partners, participants, and their support systems, to support recovery. The team will provide support and recovery education to participants, caregivers and support persons.

Additional services:
All enrolled participants will have access to Indigenous specific services and Peer Support services through the MWMS team. These services will be discussed with participants when they enter the program. Participants who identify as Indigenous, and do not have a primary care provider, will be assisted to access primary care through their local healthcare clinic should this be their preference.

What happens after 30 days?
All participants will participate in both an initial and ongoing assessments to identify what support services they require both during and after their time in the program. Wherever possible, participants are encouraged to have ongoing follow-up with their primary care providers. In addition, participants will be supported in accessing longer-term in-house treatment or other services should this be desired at program completion.

If you have any questions, please contact the MWMS team at 204-428-2730.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.