Sexually Transmitted & Blood Borne Infections

Sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBIs) are the most common infectious diseases of public health importance in North America. They are infections that are spread primarily through person-to-person sexual contact. The second major route of transmission for some STBBIs is blood-to-blood contact, such as sharing needles among injection drug users. They can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth.

Did you know that:

  • STBBIs can occur any time you have sexual contact
  • STBBIs can affect your general health, well-being and ability to have children
  • it is easier to prevent an STBBI than to treat one once it has happened
  • Manitoba is experiencing an STBBI outbreak with higher rates of STBBIs than ever before

Southern Health-Santé Sud offers many services to reduce the risk of STBBIs such as free condoms, sex dams, gloves and safer injection kits.

If you think you may have a sexually transmitted disease, visit:

For more information, access Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne Infections.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.