Nutrition & Healthy Eating

Primary Care 204-388-2053 Email

There are great benefits to leading a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy and being active are two things you can do to lower your risk of disease, increase energy, maintain a healthy body weight, build stronger muscles and bones and improve your overall health. Families and caregivers play an important role in creating a positive eating environment. The early years are a great time for young children to discover new foods and develop a love of eating healthy. Our teenagers also need to eat healthy because they are still growing and developing. For more information on healthy eating, access the Canada Food Guide available in 10 different languages.

Registered Dietitians – here to support you!

Registered Dietitians are essential members of the health care team and are located across the region in hospitals, personal care homes, community settings, primary care centres and clinics. Registered Dietitians are part of the Chronic Disease Education Teams and My Health Teams.

Dietitians provide support through outpatient nutritional counseling, group facilitation on topics including: balanced eating and portion control, reading nutrition labels, grocery shopping, meal planning and healthy cooking.

Would you like to see a registered dietitian in your community for nutrition counseling, but don’t know where to go? Call Manitoba’s Dial-a-Dietitian hotline 1-877-830-2892 to find out where you can access a registered dietitian or receive personal, professional and free nutrition information.


Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.