Housing Options

Southern Health-Santé Sud offers many housing and support options available to meet your needs and help you live independently in your community for as long as possible.

Assisted Living

Assisted Living is independent apartment living that provides housing for seniors combined with services the tenant may purchase from the landlord in addition to rent, such as housekeeping, laundry and meals. For more information regarding living options, please contact Seniors and Long-Term Care.

Supportive Housing

Supportive Housing is another option available if you are no longer able to live in the community with the available resources but you are not yet ready to live in a personal care home. 24-hour supervision is provided in an apartment living arrangement, where the tenant purchases services from the landlord in addition to rent. For more information regarding Supportive Housing, please contact your Case coordinator – Home Care.

Elderly Person’s Housing

Owned and operated by the region and in partnership with Manitoba Housing, apartment complexes are located in Carman, Gladstone (2) and Portage la Prairie (2) provide affordable options for seniors. Some units are rent-geared-to-income, with rent based on total household income criteria. If you are interested in being placed on a wait list, simply submit your completed application form, ensuring that the form is completed in its entirety. If you have a change of heart and would like to be removed from the wait list, please complete and submit a withdrawal to the appropriate contact:

Boyne Towers
c/o Val Hildebrand
120 4th Ave SW, Carman MB

Centennial Apartments/Crescent Lodge
c/o Shirley Guenther
24 Mill St, Gladstone MB

Regency House/Rotary Park
c/o Pat Thompson
24 9th St SE, Portage la Prairie MB

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.