Nurses Recruitment & Retention Fund


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I submit my application before or after the conference/course?

Please submit application AFTER you have the conference/workshop/course/exam with all applicable documentation, there are no pre-approvals (see application form for all required supporting documents).

How long does it take to receive funds?

The reviewing committee typically only reviews applications once per month. Once your application is approved, the paperwork gets processed by accounting/payroll, etc. so depending when your application was submitted (complete with all supporting documents) this process can take approximately eight weeks. Sometimes this can take longer (up to six months) as numerous departments are involved.

How do I submit my application?

Your application can be  emailed. If you require help with scanning/emailing, please see your manager or local admin for help.

Does my manager/supervisor need to sign my application?

No, you can submit your application without a manager or supervisor signature.

What kind of education is covered by the fund?

  • Conferences and workshops – (excluding membership fees, license fees, board meetings, executive meetings, standards meetings and education considered mandatory). You can use the funds towards registration fees, airfare, mileage, hotel and car rental. Hotel expenses should be reasonable and appropriate for the purpose of the trip.
  • Certificate Exams or re-certifications, University, Red River College, Distance Education tuition/online courses (excluding books and DVD’s).

Can I submit multiple courses?

Yes, you can include multiple courses, however please note that it is a one-time submission.

Can I apply for courses/workshops from last fiscal year?

No, you can only submit for courses within the current fiscal year.

The application asks for a certificate of completion or attendance, I didn’t get anything, what can I do?

Proof can be in the form of:

  • a certificate
  • a workshop obtained name tag
  • letter
  • course transcript

What if I don’t actually attend the conference that I registered and paid for?

You cannot apply for this funding.

How do I receive my money?

Your money (in one lump sum) will be deposited to your account (completion of the direct deposit authorization form is necessary).

What if I miss some of my supporting documents when I send in my application?

  • If you are missing any required documentation, your application will be sent back to you (via email) and not considered until it is completed and sent back in for the panel board to review. We will not hold on to your application form, you must resend with all pertinent information attached (the full package).
  • The application form has a step-by-step check box system to help guide you through all the paperwork requirements.

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