Board of Directors

Health authority boards are accountable to the Minister of Health and are responsible for the mandate, resources and performance of the health authority. Members must represent the region as a whole, not any particular community or interests.
The Southern Health-Santé Sud Board of Directors ensures that the organization complies with applicable legislation, regulations, provincial policies and ministerial directives. Boards have a strategic role in setting direction for the health authority and a fiduciary role in policy formulation, decision-making and oversight. Most importantly, the Board is accountable to the residents of Southern Health-Santé Sud by:
- providing a link between the organization and the owners
- providing accountability for activities of the health authority to its residents
- providing opportunity for community consultation and input
- clearly defining the Vision, Mission and Values of the health authority
- developing written governing policies
A Chief Executive Officer is hired by the Board of Directors and delegated the authority to manage the business and affairs of Southern Health-Santé Sud.