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Accessibility Plan Update

Equity for All

Guided by our core values of integrity, compassion, excellence respect and innovation, Southern Health-Santé Sud is committed to provide equal access and participation for all people, regardless of their abilities. As a people-centred organization, we consider the diversity of our community as a source of strength and richness and we embrace the opportunity to identify, remove and prevent accessibility barriers by meeting requirements of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act. We foster an inclusive organizational culture and strive at all times to provide services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of all people. In achieving our Values, Vision, Mission and Strategic Priorities, we believe in working together with our community and partners in a shared effort to provide an accessible environment for all.

Accessibility Barriers

Barriers – may result in people with disabilities being treated differently than people without disabilities (for example talking to an individual’s support person assuming the individual with a disability will not be able to understand; assuming a person who has a speech impairment or speaks a different language cannot understand you; thinking a person with an intellectual or mental health disability cannot make decisions, etc.).

Informational and Communication Barriers – arise when a person with a disability cannot easily receive and/or understand information available to others (for example print is too small to be read by a person with impaired vision; public address systems alert only people who can hear, etc.).

Technological Barriers – occur when technology, or the way it is used, is not accessible (for example websites not accessible to people who are blind and use screen reader software; accepting only online registration forms for programs, etc.).

Systemic Barriers – are Policies, practices or procedures that result in some people receiving unequal access or being excluded (for example not considering the needs of persons with disabilities at the event planning stage; not being aware of policies that support accessibility, etc.).

Physical and Architectural Barriers – in the environment prevent physical access for people with disabilities (for example unable to open doors due to limited mobility or strength; aisles are narrowed by displays or equipment making them impassable by a person using a wheelchair or walker, unlevel sidewalks or curbing prevent easy access, lack of accessible parking, etc.).

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.