Your Health Information

Privacy & Access Officer 204-822-2622 Email

The Health Information Services team is a group of health information management professionals and clerical staff who work in health centres in Southern Health-Santé Sud.

We comply with The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA), other related provincial legislation, and Southern Health-Santé Sud policies and procedures. We also follow health information management standards, guidelines and best practices.

Health records contain your personal health information which can include reports from care providers, test results, lab results, medication information and much more.

Health records can be paper, electronic or a combination of both.

The Health Information Services department also transforms health data into information that can be analyzed and used to improve patient care.

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your information and ensuring your records are complete and accurate.

If you would like to request access to your personal health information, please complete the Request to Access Personal Health Information form and fax to the applicable Health Information Services listed below. To mail in your form, please send to the health centre you received care.

Fees may be charged for examining personal health information and for providing copies. The fees are as follows:


  • Access request under PHIA $15 (copy fees applies for information more than 10 pages)
  • Dates of admission and discharge (written) $15
  • Dates of admission and discharge (verbal) no charge
  • Proof of birth (written or verbal) $15
  • Form completion $15

*includes person permitted to exercise the rights of an individual

Copy Fees

  • Page (one-sided or two-sided print $0.50/page)

If your request is not related to a hospital visit or encounter, mail or fax your form to the program or service where you received care.

For information related to your visit to the laboratory or radiology department, including Computed Tomography (CT) scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan, contact Privacy and Security at Shared Health or eChart Manitoba.

Health Information Services Contacts

Altona Community Memorial Health Centre 204-324-2282 204-324-1299

Carman Memorial Hospital 204-745-2021 204-745-2756

Rock Lake Health District Hospital 204-873-2132 ext 4, 3 204-873-2326

Emerson Health Centre 204-373-2109 ext 6 204-373-2748

Gladstone Health Centre 204-385-6121 204-385-2173

MacGregor Health Centre 204-685-2850 204-685-2529

Pembina Manitou Health Centre 204-242-2744 ext 3 204-242-3062

Boundary Trails Health Centre 204-331-8949 204-331-8801

Morris General Hospital 204-746-7344 204-746-2197

Centre de santé Notre-Dame Health Centre 204-248-2112 ext 43220 204-248-2768

Portage District General Hospital 204-239-2219 204-239-6039

Centre de santé St. Claude Health Centre 204-379-2585 ext 2221 204-379-2655

Centre médico-social De Salaberry District Health Centre 204-433-7611 204-433-7455

Hôpital Ste-Anne Hospital 204-422-8837 204-422-9929

Bethesda Regional Health Centre 204-326-6411 ext 2038 204-346-1934

Lorne Memorial Hospital 204-836-2132 ext 5 204-836-2587

Vita & District Health Centre 204-425-3804 ext 6042 204-425-3545


Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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