Here are strategies to raise intuitive eaters:

  • Set up your house to encourage healthy eating by having whole foods easily available, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, lean animal products, whole grain rice, pasta, breads, and crackers.
  • Provide balanced meals and snacks at set times. Try to eat as a family and make meal time about sharing and getting to know one another.
  • Use positive language in regards to eating and bodies. Avoid commenting on children’s bodies, your own body, or someone else’s. Avoid negative or diet talk, such as, “I shouldn’t eat this, otherwise I will be …”
  • Be aware that your praise or discipline shapes behaviour. For example, praise for eating large portions may lead to pushing through fullness cues and overeating later in life.
  • With multiple avenues of advertising, our children are consistently exposed to harmful body image messages. Monitor what your kids are viewing and discuss the messages they see and hear.
  • Keep the whole family active. Staying active improves mental and physical health.


Nutrition Services Team 204-856-2055

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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