Call to Action - June 24, 2020 - Physical Distancing and Restoring Services at Health Facilities, COVID-19 PPE Zone Education, Guideline for Screening of Manitoba Health Care Workers

Physical Distancing and Restoring Services at Health Facilities

New documents have been released providing direction on how to restore services at Health Facilities and precautions to take to ensure and promote physical distancing.

Directors of Health Services and Program Directors (or delegates) are to review and implement accordingly.

COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Zone Education

The Staff Development/Infection Prevention & Control team will be doing Covid-19 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Zone education for staff starting in June/July. Please look for these education sessions in your facility/program and make every effort to attend. Covid-19 PPE Zone Tables are available as a resource on the HPS - Coronavirus Info and Planning - COVID-19 - Personal Protective Equipment.

Directors of Health Services and Program Directors (or delegates) are to review and share accordingly.

Guideline for Screening of Manitoba Health Workers

The Guideline for Screening of Manitoba Health Workers that was released in yesterday's Call to Action has been revised and is being re-released.  Directors of Health Services and Program Directors (or delegates) are to review and share accordingly.

Info Sharing