Filipino women standing beside a giant coca-cola can

Meet Krishia, a 26-year-old nurse from the Philippines who recently embarked on a new adventure in Manitoba, Canada. Back home, she spent five years working as a nurse and found herself drawn to Manitoba’s opportunities – inspired by her relatives who have lived in Manitoba for over 20 years. “I really liked the lifestyle they were living, and this inspired me to come to Canada”, she says.

Originally from the countryside in the Philippines, Krishia has fallen in love with the charm of Portage la Prairie, where she now resides. Despite the snowy winter, the supportive community, especially the Filipino community, has made the adjustment smooth for her. “I’m not a big city girl, so the small-town vibes suit me perfectly. The Filipinos here have been very supportive in reaching out to see if I need help – they are so nice!”, says Krishia.

Landing in Winnipeg was overwhelming yet heartwarming. The support from staff, her family and the welcoming atmosphere made her realize that this wasn’t just a visit or a travel expedition, but a new chapter in her life. “The best part was being able to spend Christmas in Winnipeg with my grandmother, my aunt and cousins after almost 20 years of being separated – it was truly special.”, she says with a sparkle in her eye.

This is Krishia’s first time seeing snow, and experiencing weather that is below 15 degrees Celcius. The winter in Manitoba has been a shock, but Krishia is embracing it with heated socks and a positive mindset. When asked what new hobbies she’s hoping to find, she says “I’m really looking forward to trying new winter activities, like skiing with my cousins next month in Asessippi, and perhaps some fishing in the Spring”, she giggles.

As a Health Care Aide at Lions Prairie Manor, a personal care home in Portage La Prairie, Krishia is excited about the challenges and the chance to grow personally and professionally. When Krishia talks about her work environment, she praises her colleagues “I love my manager, she’s so supportive and is helping me adapt to my new role. My colleagues are so nice. I just really feel like they are setting me up to succeed”, she says with a sigh of relief.

As a Health Care Aide, Krishia mentions the role is very fulfilling because she gets to help people every day. She says “I enjoy doing bedside care, talking with the residents is quite enjoyable for me as it gives me a sense of accomplishment”. She is now starting to build connections with the residents, and getting to know each of them on a personal level.

Krishia’s journey to Manitoba began in November, and when asked about her most memorable moment so far – she says with a smile from ear to ear, “Trying poutine for the first time with my cousins was amazing. I even FaceTimed my family back home to tell them! I’ve had fries before – but this was so good, I loved it!”

Krishia emphasized that the journey from the Philippines to Manitoba has been made smoother thanks to the incredible support from staff at Southern Health-Santé Sud. She says “even just the small things made such a difference, from answering emails promptly to helping us do groceries on our first day here, it all helped so much.”

The support from her colleagues and community has been instrumental in making this transition a success for Krishia. She says “Though I’ve mainly met people from work and my neighbors in the apartment, exchanging stories with a new neighbor from Ukraine has been really nice.”

Exploring more of her new hometown and building connections is on her to-do list.

Krishia’s long-term goal of pursuing her dream of becoming a registered nurse in Manitoba is on the horizon. She looks forward to more adventures, making new friends, and enjoying all that Manitoba has to offer!

Join us in Welcoming Krishia to Southern Health-Santé Sud, and to Manitoba!

Construction for the new renal dialysis unit at Bethesda Regional Health Centre concluded in the fall of 2023. Southern Health-Santé Sud has been working closely with Manitoba Renal to transition eligible patients to the new six bed unit. A soft launch of the unit took place in October and has seen a steady increase in patient load ever since. The new unit has the capacity to provide dialysis treatment for up to 24 patients.

rendering of the renal unit
A rendering of the renal unit provided by LM-ESP Architecture.
renal unit at Bethesda Regional Health Centre
Actual site images of the renal unit at the Bethesda Regional Health Centre.

The new renal dialysis unit is phase one of a significant expansion of inpatient services underway at Bethesda Regional Health Centre.

Expansion Features

  • 15 additional acute-care medicine beds and eight surgical beds, to support additional surgical capacity in targeted areas;
  • 3 new state-of-the art operating theaters
  • facility upgrades to accommodate palliative and end-of-life care, chronic and cardiopulmonary disease, and women’s health;
  • pharmacy upgrades to allow the site to provide chemotherapy treatment and establish Bethesda Regional Health Centre as a regional hub for cancer care services


The new renal dialysis unit opened in October 2023. Overall completion of the expansion project is anticipated for 2026/27.

What Matters to You Regarding this Project?

We value your feedback. Please reach out to us via email with any questions or concerns you may have regarding this project.

On October 27 representatives from Southern Health-Santé Sud and Shared Health attended the University of Ottawa Department of Family Medicine Career Fair. This recruitment event saw 115 residents from the University of Ottawa who were there to explore opportunities available to them. Representatives Ashley Shaw from Shared Health and Shannon Noël from Southern Health-Santé Sud highlighted opportunities across the province at the Health Careers Manitoba Booth.

The Family Medicine Forum is Canada’s largest and most comprehensive annual conference for family physicians. This year’s conference took place in Montreal November 8 to 10, 2023. On average, over 3,000 were in attendance, providing a perfect opportunity to connect with thousands of physicians. Representatives highlighted opportunities across the province at the Health Careers Manitoba Booth. Pictured are Ashley Shaw from Shared Health, Lori Pakulak from Prairie Mountain Health and Shannon Noël from Southern Health-Santé Sud.

The University of Manitoba Family Medicine Residents attended a retreat in Steinbach this past weekend to encourage interest in rural and northern opportunities to practice medicine.

“Each year, residents come together to take part in a job fair, continuing medical education, networking and team building,” said Jane Curtis, CEO for Southern Health-Santé Sud. “Holding this event in Steinbach allows the medical residents to learn more about possible employment opportunities and encourages them to consider practicing in rural Manitoba once their education is complete.”

The career fair is attended by a variety of physician employers and support businesses, including regional health authorities, clinics, communities and even financial institutions.

The host of the event assists with local arrangements and takes the opportunity to profile their region and recruitment needs. This year’s host for the event was Southern Health-Santé Sud.

“This year we had the honour of hosting over 100 medical residents in our region and showcase rural Manitoba hospitality while providing some quality continuing medical education,” shares Dr. Denis Fortier, Regional Lead – Medical Services and Chief Medical Officer for Southern Health-Santé Sud. “Our region is home to several University of Manitoba clinical teaching units and we are proud to be doing our part in offering a unique rural perspective to family medicine.”

The retreat was organized by a committee with representation from the U of M residents, the Max Rady College of Medicine post-graduate family medicine program, Shared Health, Steinbach Family Medical and the host region Southern Health-Santé Sud.

“This is my second time attending a Family Medicine Resident Retreat, and once again it was enjoyable and informative. The mix of educational opportunities, wellness activities, and career exploration was great. It was also my first-time visiting Steinbach, which was a very warm and welcoming community!” said participating resident Dr. Jason Ching.

All continuing medical education will be delivered by provincial experts and local physicians from the clinics and facilities within the region. For more information on physician recruitment in Manitoba, visit: Health Careers Manitoba.

Boundary Trails Health Centre rendering aerial view

Construction has begun for the new community services building and inpatient expansion at Boundary Trails Health Centre.

A community information session was held on April 13, 2023 at the Days Inn, Winkler. This session included an overview presentation, question and answer period and the opportunity to view several images displayed for public viewing.

Expansion Features

To meet the needs of the growing community it serves, Boundary Trails Health Centre will see the following additions (and more) through expansion to the existing building:

  • 24 additional acute care inpatient beds
  • Expanded Emergency Department
  • New state-of-the-art operating room
  • Expansion of the Cancer Care unit
  • Dedicated space for palliative care services
  • A level-2 nursery designed to provide services to premature newborns with complex feeding needs.

New Community Services Building

The new community services building will enable existing community services to be conveniently relocated at Boundary Trails Health Centre. Services in the new building will include:

  • Public Health
  • Midwifery
  • Home Care Services
  • Children & Youth Rehabilitation Services
  • Centre for Hope Healing Garden & Healing Courtyard
Boundary Trails Health Centre renderings of interior and exterior

This two-storey facility will be attached to the existing building and will include administrative offices which will be relocated to make more room for expanded clinical services.


The community services building is anticipated to be completed in 2024. Renovation and expansion of the existing health centre will begin once programs have been moved into the new building. Completion of the expansion project is anticipated for 2026.

What Matters to You Regarding this Project?
We value your feedback. Please reach out to us via email with any questions or concerns you may have regarding this project.

Manitoba Health advises that a cluster of whooping cough (pertussis) has now been declared as an outbreak in Southern Health-Santé Sud, as cases continue to be reported. As of June 23, 154 confirmed or probable cases have been reported to Manitoba Health since January, with 152 of them reported from Southern Health-Santé Sud.

To read the complete news release, access the Province of Manitoba | News Release.

This month we are celebrating Pride and the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community. The members of this community are our colleagues, patients and members of the community we serve. Southern Health-Santé Sud is proud to support the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community by participating in various pride parades throughout the month of May and June.

On May 27, staff from Public Health-Healthy Living proudly supported Southern Health-Santé Sud by participating in the Portage la Prairie Pride Parade. Staff from Public Health-Healthy Living also participated in the Pembina Valley Pride Parade on June 10, 2023. Thank you to all that came out to support these meaningful events.

Southern Health-Santé Sud is committed to working toward an environment that disrupts hateful and harmful behaviors and creates a more inclusive experience for all.

Construction is well underway for the new Portage Regional Health Centre in Southern Health-Santé Sud. The new facility will offer more inpatient beds, expanded medicine and surgical capacity, and an improved emergency department to serve Portage la Prairie and surrounding communities, Health Minister Audrey Gordon announced today.

“Our government is healing the health-care system by expanding access to health services and providing rural communities with the care they need closer to home,” said Gordon. “The new 269,000-sq.-ft. hospital will strengthen clinical services for residents of Portage la Prairie and surrounding communities and supports the delivery of high-quality care in a rapidly growing area of our province.”

To read the complete news release, access the Province of Manitoba | News Release.

Southern Health-Santé Sud would like to thank the 11 communities/clinics, gracious hosts, and the first-year medical students who participated in Rural Week May 29 – June 2, 2023. We were thrilled to welcome over 30 students at various locations across our region. Communities, clinics, hospitals, and other health facilities contributed to the success of this initiative. We are very thankful to the communities of Crystal City, Morden, Morris, Niverville, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Portage la Prairie, St. Claude, St. Pierre Jolys, Steinbach, Winkler, and Vita who made this possible. In addition to the U of M students who participated in Rural Week, St. Pierre/Vita also hosted two bilingual students from the University of Ottawa the week of May 23-26, 2023. These two students are originally from Manitoba and are attending medical school at the University of Ottawa.

First year medical students on big red chair
Over 30 first-year Medical Students participated in Rural Week at various locations – pictured above are students who were hosted in Morris and St. Pierre – (lt-rt): Hailey Hutchinson, Angela Lu, Bahavana Garg & Chelsea Day.

Rural Week is a one week learning experience for all first-year medical students enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba. Rural Week provides an opportunity for the students to get first-hand experience and exposure to rural and northern medicine and the unique lifestyle these communities offer. It is an opportunity for participating communities to showcase what their communities have to offer and promote the opportunities and benefits of rural and northern medicine.

Students spent the week gaining exposure to the work and lifestyle of a rural physician, and experienced some aspects of rural life. Each students experience has been unique, and would have included opportunities to work with local physicians and other health care professionals. In addition to this, some students may have participated in presenting to a local high school, meeting with different leaders in the community, visiting local farms, and other opportunities to explore some of the local attractions. 

We truly appreciate the efforts of the staff, clinics, physician leaders and community members who contributed to the success of this initiative. Recruitment is a group effort and we would like to acknowledge the investment of recruitment and retention efforts by these groups of individuals who work tirelessly in providing a positive experience to these students.

Construction for the new Portage Regional Health Centre is well underway. A community information session was held on March 22, 2023 at Stride Place in Portage la Prairie. This session included an overview presentation, question and answer period and the opportunity to view several images displayed for public viewing.

Facility Features

The 269,0002ft facility will have 114 acute care patient beds, including medicine, surgical, rehabilitation, palliative care, maternity and special care. Every room will be single occupancy with a personal bathroom with shower, built in ergonomic supports such as ceiling tracks and mobility friendly features to ensure optimal safety throughout.

  • 114 acute care inpatient beds
  • Increased day surgery capacity to allow more procedures locally and lessen the need to travel to Winnipeg, Brandon or elsewhere
  • Expanded emergency department designed to best practice standards including treatment and assessment rooms, a trauma room, stretcher bay, and ambulance bay
  • Enhanced spaces for programs including diagnostics, dialysis, palliative care and outpatient services including lab and rehabilitation

The new building design was inspired by the shape of crescent lake in Portage la Prairie, and incorporates existing elements of nature found in the area. One of the most prominent features of the new design is the emphasis on natural light. Large windows have been incorporated into the design and featured in every room, ensuring as much natural light as possible. Other exciting features include significant technology upgrades such as electronic health records, monitoring systems, automated dispensing cabinets, and switchable privacy glass.

Indigenous Health Services New Cultural Space

Southern Health-Santé Sud is committed to building and maintaining strong partnerships with Indigenous peoples and communities in order to continue to improve and sustain culturally safe programs and services, and the health care system as a whole. In line with this goal, a new cultural space with a design informed by Indigenous partners, will be featured in the new regional health centre.

Staff Informed Design – 3D Mockup Space

The design phase for the schematic phase is nearing the final stages. Staff and physicians have been engaged throughout the design process with several opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback. One of the critical phases of the design process included the creation of a 3D mock-up space for physicians and clinical staff to provide critical feedback on room designs and layout. Clinical staff from all specialties were invited to experience and analyze the true to size layouts of 14 clinical spaces including inpatient room, CancerCare treatment space, Emergency Department exam room and treatment bay, trauma room, operating theatre, clean supply room and many other clinical spaces.

The mockup spaces included true to size furniture, medical equipment, electrical outlets and windows made to exact dimensions. This setup allowed staff to orient themselves and provide very detailed feedback that ultimately resulted in several informed changes to the design and layout of these spaces.

This is the first instance of a mockup space for a Manitoba hospital project. The feedback from this endeavor will not only inform the design of the new Portage Regional Health Centre, but it will also inform other capital projects in the Southern Health-Santé Sud region.

To view the full tour of the Mock-up space, click here.

Project Completion

The new facility in Portage la Prairie is due to be completed in the fall of 2025.

What Matters to You Regarding this Project?

We value your feedback. Please reach out to us via email with any questions or concerns you may have regarding this project.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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